We started by travelling to London, hometown of Amy... when we arrived we saw the Westminster Palace (with the Church of St. Margaret ), the Tower of London, the place were the historical Treat of Greenwich was made and the Royal Botanic Gardens. We also discover that the Olympic Games were hosted in London in 1908, 1948 and 2012. In the end we visited the family of Amy. And i must say to you that we travelled from USA to London in the blink of an eye... of course that is one of the advantages of globalisation, but one of the disadvantages is the competition that job markets suffers. Because with the European borders open to everyone, the emmigrants when arrive in a country will need a job and they will took jobs and replace some of the "home-workers" just because they are more qualified or younger or just for being foreign they receive less, so it's cheaper to the boss hire foreign workers than those who are national workers. This will lead to the higher competition in job markets, the bribery will also be a resource that rich families will use in order to guarantee their fancy lifestyle and it also will lead to the loss of moral values....
Let's continue our journey by going to Toquio. Yes, the hometown of Mikey. Do you know that Toquio has 30 millions of people, and it's the bigger metropolitan area of the entire world? Yes, it's true... and also has this huge buildings and with so many colors and with so many people! I might tell you that in the second day, all the people look like twins for us, of course that Mikey was in the heaven... walking like none it's happened and he never changed a name! Unbelievable! But there are some funny adventures like when Mikey left us alone, because we was visiting his family in a far away village, and a japanese girl seduced Alex to eat chip cockroaches and other disguting bugs... but he never ate, because Amy grabbed him by the ear and pulled out . I follow them and you needed to see the face of Alex when he realised what he was going to eat. Ahahaha when we told Mikey, he mocked so much with the poor Alex... it was hilarious! However, we saw a sad thing... we saw two man, that weren't japanese, assaulting a old woman. I now can tell you another disadvantage of globalisation: a higher rate of criminality.
To conclude our trip, we travel to Australia, the hometown of Alex. Australia the country with such a diversity of animals like marsupials, including the kangaroo, koala and Vombatidae, and birds such as the emu and the kookaburra. Australia is home to many dangerous animals including some of the most venomous snakes in the world. Alex show us all the monuments and the best places of Australia, and of course we ate delicious food made for their grandparents. Because culinary in Australia was influenced by the immingrants cultures of Mediterranean and Asia. One day we are just walking around when we saw in a newspaper that a group of man are killing animals illegaly to sell them to other countries and they also explore poor lands and poor cultures in order to be rich and powerful. That's a sad consequence of the globalisation.
I may say to you that globalisation brought to us very good results and helped the world to grow both technologically such as economically. But also brought several consequences that will cause several problems if they weren't treat properly and quickly. Don't forget that in every coin there are always two faces...
Published by: Catarina Pires
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